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Tel.011-707-8335 Fax.011-707-7781
E-mail support@datacraft.co.jp
9:30�`12:00 13:00�`17:00�i�y�E���E�j���y�ѕ��Ўw��x���������j


SOZAIJITEN[R] 045 Four seasons - Japanese landscapes

  • Data Format
  • 4156 x 2950 pixels 350dpi RGB/JPEG 100files

  • Cautions
  • All copyrights to the image data contained in this product are reserved by Datacraft or its licensors. You may use the image data only in accordance with the SOZAIJITEN[R] User License Agreement enclosed in this product. Please review the SOZAIJITEN[R] User License Agreement carefully.

  • User Registration
  • You are required to complete the user registration before using this product. You may make the user registration at the following website or by sending the registration card enclosed in this product.
    URL for User Registration  http://www.sozaijiten.com/support/

  • Inquiries
  • Datacraft Co., Ltd.
    SE Sankyo Bldg., 1-2, North 7, West 1, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0807 Japan
    Fax: +81-11-707-7781
    e-mail: support@datacraft.co.jp

* The specifications of this product are subject to change without prior notice.
* Datacraft and sozaijiten are registered trademarks of Datacraft Co., Ltd.
* Product names and company names described herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective companies.

Copyright 2008-2009 Datacraft Co., Ltd.